All fall/winter classes start on or after September 5, 2023.
This is an introduction to the basic elements of tennis with quality instructors to ensure a positive,
successful, and fun experience using the USTA 10 and under tennis format. To participate in our
Junior Tennis Lessons you do not have to be a club member. Cost of classes are based on the
number of classes, you get a price break if you come 4+ times per month. Prices also include tax.
Cash or Checks payable to: Black Hawk Tennis Club.
Ages are to give you a guideline, but kids will be placed based on ability level.
*Please let your tennis professional know if you are not planning to attend in advance as a courtesy for the teaching staff and students.
YOUTH PROGRESSION I (ages 5-7 years) Saturdays 9:00-9:55 am
This is a fun introduction to basic tennis play. Clinics include play based instruction and learning to play matches. All classes use the orange balls in the appropriate sized court. (Kids that are 4 years old are welcome at the pros discretion)
Drop in rate is $17.12 or $14.98 per lesson if the student attends 4+ lessons in the calendar month.
YOUTH PROGRESSION II (ages 7-11) Wednesdays 4:30 – 5:25 pm and Saturdays 10:00 am – 10:55 am
This is a fun introduction to basic tennis play. Clinics include play based instruction and learning to play matches. All classes use orange or green balls.
Drop in rate is $17.12 or $14.98 per lesson if the student attends 4+ lessons in the calendar month.
YOUTH PROGRESSION ACADEMY (ages 7-12 invite only) Wednesdays 5:30-6:25 pm & Saturdays 11:00 am-11:55 pm
This class was designed for the students interested in playing Youth Progression Tennis Tournaments and have graduated from Youth Progression I & II classes. You must be invited by Chris or Tara to participate in this level of class. Students will use orange and green balls.
Drop in rate is $17.12 or $14.98 per lesson if the student attends 4+ lessons in the calendar month.
JUNIOR COMPETITION YELLOW BALL GROUP – Thursdays 4:30-6:00 pm & Sundays 12:00-1:30 pm
(ages 11+ or have graduated the USTA Progression Green Ball)
This program is for junior players who can play points, know scoring and the rules and can play a match. Players will learn strategy, and continue to learn proper techniques and some conditioning to improve footwork and endurance.
Drop in rate is $25.68 or $21.40 per lesson if the student attends 4+ lessons in the calendar month.
HIGH SCHOOL GROUP – Thursdays 4:30-6:00 pm & Sundays 12:00-1:30pm
This group is intended for high school teams that wish to improve his or her technique and improve match strategy and is open to boys or girls that play on high school teams.
Drop in rate is $25.68 or $21.40 per lesson if the student attends 4+ lessons in the calendar month.
Information regarding our High Performance and Elite Classes will be listed soon, and distributed by Chris Sagers.